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Association Program and Revenue Increasing Methods

Association Program and Revenue Increasing Methods

The association program offers many useful tools for organizations looking to increase their income. The power that keeps associations alive is the ability to direct a group that views the aims of the association as their own. As a result of this proper direction, the participation of the audience can be ensured by providing either manpower or financial contributions.

Association Program and Revenue Increasing Methods

The association program offers many useful tools for organizations looking to increase their income. What keeps associations thriving is their ability to unite a group of individuals who share the association's goals. With the right guidance, you can engage this audience to contribute either manpower or financial support. At this point, association software becomes a valuable tool for managing preliminary tasks, tracking processes, and addressing many other challenges. So, what are the methods to increase financial opportunities for your association? Let’s explore this topic together...


Sponsorships are generally long-term partnerships formed with the help of various institutions, either in kind or in cash, to achieve the objectives of your association. However, there can be exceptions, such as short-term sponsorship agreements for specific events you organize. You can use various methods to find sponsors. If your association is well-known, you may find it easy to secure sponsorships, but for relatively new associations, finding a sponsor can be challenging and time-consuming. If your association falls into the latter category, it is crucial to inform the board of directors, members, and acquaintances that you are seeking a sponsor. Companies sponsoring an association usually consider past activities, the number of members, member demographics, and the financial situation of the association. The association program can help you easily obtain all this data with a few simple operations.


Events are important for associations to announce their name and purpose to the community. Fairs, concerts, symposiums, and similar events are designed to engage the targeted audience. This way, you can gather your target audience in one place, provide detailed information about your association, and encourage them to support your goals. Even if no additional support is received, you can charge an entrance fee for the event. To inform your audience about the event, you can use the communication modules of the association software to send emails or text messages. This allows you to reach the entire audience in a cost-effective and timely manner.


Grants are unrequited support given by states or institutions to associations, foundations, and NGOs to help them achieve their goals. Since grants are often specific to a sector, location, or program, it is necessary to thoroughly examine the grant programs and apply accordingly. The approval process can be lengthy and challenging. In grant programs, issues such as the association's financial structure, the number of members, and how the grant money will be used should be reported in detail. The association program can simplify this process by managing financial data and member information efficiently.


Donations are an essential source of income for an association. Support can come from members or donors in any amount. For fundraising methods:

1. Online Donations
If you have a website integrated with the association program, you can accept donations through your website from those who wish to support your association's activities. This is an extremely effortless and secure process with advancing technology.

2. Monthly Donations
One of the benefits of online fundraising is the ability to receive regular monthly donations by recording the donor's card information with their consent. Credit card information is stored in the payment institution's database and transferred to the association's bank account with withdrawals made on the date and amount specified by the donor each month.

3. Individual Fundraising
Make your goals so clear that your donors are motivated to find their own sub-donors! Encourage your donors to inform their social circles about your association and mobilize their micro audiences to donate on your behalf.

In this article, we have discussed methods that an association can use to increase its income and highlighted the importance of the association program and software integrated with your website. If you do not have detailed information about association software, we recommend examining the exceptional features offered by Aidango or contacting us without delay.


How Should an Association Website Be?

​Günümüzde dernekler, faaliyetlerini daha geniş kitlelere duyurabilmek ve üyeleriyle daha etkili bir iletişim kurabilmek için profesyonel bir web sitesine ihtiyaç duymaktadır. İyi tasarlanmış bir dernek web sitesi, sadece derneğin tanıtımı için değil, aynı zamanda üyelerin takibi, etkinliklerin duyurulması ve bağışların yönetimi için de büyük önem taşır. Bu yazımızda, bir dernek web sitesinin sahip olması gereken temel özellikleri ve kullanıcı deneyimini artıracak ipuçlarını ele alacağız.

Donation Management for Associations in 8 Steps

Bağışlar, derneklerin faaliyetlerini sürdürebilmesi ve hedeflerine ulaşabilmesi için hayati bir kaynaktır. Ancak, bağışların sadece toplanması değil, etkin bir şekilde yönetilmesi de büyük önem taşır. Bağış yönetimi, derneklerin şeffaf, güvenilir ve sürdürülebilir bir yapı kurmalarına yardımcı olur.

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Teknolojinin hızla gelişmesi, hayatımızın her alanını kolaylaştırmaya devam ediyor. Bu yeniliklerden biri de kurban bağışı sürecini dijitalleştiren kurban uygulaması opsiyonlarıdır.

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Burs takip programı, derneklerin burs yönetim süreçlerini dijitalleştirerek verimliliği artırır ve hataları en aza indirir. ERP yazılımlarıyla entegrasyon, bütçe yönetimi ve ödeme planlaması gibi işlemleri tek bir çatı altında toplar. Doğru program seçimi, derneklerin stratejik hedeflerine ulaşmasını kolaylaştırırken bursiyerlere daha iyi hizmet sunulmasını sağlar.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Ready Association Website

Hazır dernek sitesi seçerken, başlangıç fiyatlarının yanı sıra gizli maliyetlere ve uzun vadeli masraflara dikkat etmek önemlidir. Ek özellikler, güvenlik sertifikaları ve bakım ücretleri gibi giderler toplam maliyeti artırabilir. Bütçenize uygun, sürdürülebilir ve ihtiyaçlarınıza uygun bir çözüm seçmek, hem mali yönetim hem de derneğinizin dijital başarısı için kritik bir adımdır.

Getting an Association Website with Aidango: All the Details

Aidango, özel olarak tasarlanmış profesyonel bir dernek web sitesi çözümüdür. Faaliyet yönetiminden bağış sistemine kadar birçok gelişmiş özelliğiyle derneklerin dijital dünyada etkin olmasını sağlar.

Association Business Automation: Digital Solutions in Management

Dernek işletme otomasyonu, derneklerin üyelik yönetimi, finansal işlemler ve etkinlik organizasyonları gibi süreçlerini daha verimli bir şekilde yürütmelerini sağlayan dijital bir çözümdür. Manuel iş yükünü azaltarak zaman tasarrufu sağlarken, aynı zamanda derneklerin şeffaf ve profesyonel bir şekilde faaliyet göstermesine destek olur.

Everything You Need to Know About the Association Management System

Dernek yönetim sistemleri, üyelik takibi, finansal işlemler ve etkinlik yönetimini kolaylaştıran dijital çözümler sunar. Yüksek donanımlı ERP yazılımları, şeffaflık ve verimlilik sağlayarak derneklerin daha organize ve profesyonel bir yapıya kavuşmasına yardımcı olur. Teknoloji kullanımı, hem iş süreçlerini hızlandırır hem de derneklerin hedeflerine ulaşmasını kolaylaştırır.

Establishing an Association System with ERP Software

ERP software is a powerful tool that supports the digital transformation of associations. With specialized solutions like Aidango, association management becomes more organized and professional.

ERP Software in Association Tracking Process

In order for associations to be managed effectively, it is critical to regularly monitor many processes, from membership to financial transactions, from events to reporting. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software helps to provide more efficient management by reducing workload. Here are the details about the benefits and importance of ERP software for association management.

The Role of Association Programs in the Digitalization Process of Associations

Associations play important roles in society as structures formed by individuals gathered around a specific purpose. However, today's rapid advancement of technology has made it necessary for these organizations to keep up with the digitalization process. Digitalization both improves the internal functioning of associations and makes their external activities more efficient and accessible. In this process, association programs are important tools that facilitate the digital transformation of associations. So, what role do association programs play in the digitalization process and what contributions do they make to associations?

Work Remotely With Your Team

Companies that have adapted to the modern age by conducting their business online have gained a significant advantage in the modern workplace. One of the key software solutions that facilitate remote work is Aidango.

How to Run a Campaign with SMS Donation System?

These are donations collected by foundations, associations, and non-governmental organizations by sending an SMS to the short number defined by mobile service providers. This system is used to reach those in need in cases of social responsibility, natural disasters, and similar situations. Thanks to this system, which greatly benefits both institutions and charitable donors who contribute by sending SMS, the amount of donations that institutions can collect increases, and the donation periods are shortened.

Ways to Always Keep the Member Database Updated

The most important step for an association to achieve its goals is undoubtedly establishing healthy communication with its members. Each member must provide the information requested during the membership process to be entered into the membership database. From that point on, this data should be stored in the member database and kept in a way that allows you to communicate with your members whenever necessary.

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The Japanese 5S tactic is an approach first introduced by Toyota to eliminate unnecessary waste and inefficiency, leading to effective workplace organization. Initially designed for production environments, this approach has proven applicable to individual lives over time and has even been incorporated into the education curriculum in Japan today.